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Dancing with Anger

Anger is a fundamental emotion that can arrise for a lot of different reasons on our journey through life. It can touch us profoundly sometimes, and it is a life skill to be able to handle it with constructive energy, true heart and open mindset. Dancing with Anger is telling the story of two men handling one of lifes fundamental emotions.

Premiered at The Royal Danish Theatre November 2014 and was part of the Royal Ballet Summer Tour 2015 and Copenhagen Summer Dance by Danish Dance Theatre 2015. From 2016-today it is has been part of the repertorie of Pantera Chamber Ballet in Russia.

Dance by Eliabe D’Abadia & Sebastian Kloborg (Royal Danish Theatre)
Tobias Pretorius & Jonathan Chmelensky (Royal Ballet Summer Tour)
Eliabe D’Abadia & Jonathan Chmelensky (Copenhagen Summer Dance)
Music by Tune Madsen & G.F. Händel
Choreography by Lotte Sigh
Photos by Daniel Urhøj & Henrik Stenberg